Saturday 19 June 2010

Saturday 19th June

A strange week. On Monday evening I noticed a rash on my ankle that looked like an insect bite. The inside of my mouth felt like I was about to develop an ulcer.
I contacted the Centenary Wing and went to see them on Wednesday morning. The nurse looked at my ankle and consulted the doctors. They felt it was nothing to get concerned about at this time.
As the week progressed my mouth broke out in ulcers.
 I constantly checked my temperature but it was normal.

All this is unfortunate as the singer that I play bass for has arrived in the UK for a month's tour. Yesterday we played the first show, up in North Yorkshire. It went very well, considering I hadn't played for almost a year. It was very cold however. I stayed in the van as much as possible.
It was a long long day. We left Kettering at 11 in the morning and didn't arrive back until 5 the next morning.
My ulcers and a developing sore throat gave me a lot of pain and discomfort.
We have another show near Evesham today. We should get back at a reasonable hour from that. Tomorrow we're booked to see a friend in Nottingham Prison and I'm scheduled to see the specialist on Monday.

At any other time these ulcers would be a minor niggle. Experience has shown that even a minor infection can lay me low. This couldn't have come at a worst time.

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