Sunday, 25 October 2020

Ten Years Remission- Time For A Haircut?

On November 1st I will have been in remission for ten years. To celebrate I will have a haircut in aid of the local hospice. Here's the story. When we returned from our holiday to Cornwall I decided not to have a haircut. I don't know why. Maybe it was a denial of the passing of time, the descent into senility, maybe it was time for a change. This is me in September 2007
By the following March 2008 I looked like this
And in May 2009
And July 2009
Soon afterwards I was diagmosed with CLL. The specialist thought that I'd lose all my hair so I decided not to cut it. This was me the following summer when I toured with Nicki Gillis.
I celebrated my remission by having a haircut. My friend Sheila cut off about four inches of hair. Since then I've had a haircut every 4 months or so and I've watched the plume get thinner and thinner. I think it's time it was finally cut off don't you? I was planning to give a concert in aid of the local hospice earlier this year. The lockdown put paid to that, so I'm looking for sponsors. The more people pay in, the more the hospice will benfit I will open a fundraising page and update this post.

Sunday, 18 October 2020

I can post again

By a fluke I've been able to log back into this site so I may continue this site in parallel with the CLL Revisited site